Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Puppy Drum in the Neuse

A beautiful double spot puppy drum caught wading in the Neuse River.  You can see the Cherry Branch
Puppy drum caught on 12 lb. Cajun wire using 1/4 oz. red jig head and Gulp
Shrimp.  Fish was caught in 2-3' of water at the salt water end of the Neuse River.

Carlos Bolneo fishing at sun rise on the beautiful Neuse River.  No boat needed.  Cherry Branch Ferr
A beautiful day of shallow water fishing on the Neuse River, NC.  Walk and
stalking fish in 2-3' of water.

Another nice catch and release day.  These fish are fantastic fighters!

Target Puppy Drum For Fun!

I have a deep admiration for the Redfish. The smaller ones are called Puppy Drum. Whatever you want to call them, they can lay claim to one of the best sporting inshore fish ever!

There is not enough to be said about the fighting stamina for this fish, and it's understandable why they've developed such a devoted fan base. If you haven't caught the fever of Redfish Nation, get a hold of one of these bad boys and you will.

I had an opportunity to test the waters of the Neuse River near the Cherry Branch Ferry over the Easter Weekend. I was rewarded with a most vicious strike and excellent pull to get the old blood pumping and geared up for the inshore saltwater season.

My best friend down in Pensacola gave me his old Shimano Stradic 2500 spooled with 15 lb. line to try out. The redfish he catches down there would destroy this reel, but it's perfect for Puppy Drum and bass.

It was about 5:30 p.m. and slack tide. Wearing a pair of flip flops, and cargo shorts, I waded gently straight out from my in-laws house.

Although it was windy and blowing from the Southwest, the waters were clear, warm, and flat. I got into water up to my knees before casting. My trusty English springer spaniel circling me and spooking all the jumping mullet around me.

On my 5th cast, the fish struck my 1/4 oz. red jig head tipped with a penny colored Gulp Shrimp. It's amazing how good Gulp Shrimp is, and it was unbelievable that my shrimp was over a year old and still worked. Get the Gulp Recharge bucket; it's worth every bit of $20.

The fish gave an incredible fight, and ran three or four times. Thumper my dog was looked confused and surprised as I fought the fish and finally brought it in close enough for him to get a good look.

That Puppy Drum was strong and healthy. The hook was turned down in its mouth. I took a photo, unhooked it, and watch it swim back into the waters to grow some more. It was a great day, and great Easter Weekend. Nothing could be finer than to be in the Carolinas.


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